Nissi Programs

Beyond Beauty

Beyond Beauty

A Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative for the Salon and Spa Industry.

As a Hairstylist and small business owner, personal connection is how my business thrives. Beyond Beauty takes the personal connection with our clients and adds a protection plan to our business. The Salon and Spa industry is highly utilized by traffickers in the United States. Did you know salons and spas were the number one location for human trafficking in 2018? The shocking truth is more victims sit in our chairs and receive our services than we realize. Why do we not notice? Beyond Beauty will help equip you with the right information, awareness resources, and steps to protect your clients and your chair. Sign up for a FREE informative training at and seal your door with Beyond Beauty by NISSI.
Kelsey Hill, Founder of Beyond Beauty by Nissi

Nissi Project

Short-Term, Immediate Care Home Program

What happens to a survivor when they are rescued from their trafficking experience?

Typically a survivor is verified as a human trafficking victim through an enocunter with a search and rescue team, law enforcement, or a medical professional. Once identified, there are some immediate resources, but not many and none that are sustainable. They may be given a hotel voucher for a few nights (which could possibly trigger an experience that they had). If a bed is identified, typically it is the closest, available bed, and not always the right environment, program, or situation for the individual. Thus, limiting the probability the individual will complete the program.

Through analyzing this gap, we have discovered the following needs upon recovery that we believe should be addressed immediately:

1. How is the survivor’s immediate medical needs identified and addressed?
2. Where can the survivor go to sleep and relax to gain clarity and composure that is not a hotel, and is a safe, clean space for them?
3. Who is advocating on the survivor’s behalf with the families, law enforcement or the state to best identify the right aftercare service for them?
4. Who is making contacts with aftercare services around the county trying to identify available beds, in the right environment that would meet their individuals needs?
5. If the survivor does not meet the standards for an aftercare service due to substance use, where can they go to detox in a safe environment so they can eventually meet the qualifications? How does the survivor actually get to the aftercare service?
From these questions came NISSI’S programming structure of the services we as an organization would like to address in order to move the needle of success for the survivor in the restoration process.

Rescue – The time a victim is discovered and pulled from their trafficking experience by search and rescue operations, law enforcement, social services, healthcare providers, etc. The question is then asked, “Where do they go?”

Respite – a short-term, immediate care facility for verified human trafficking victims to receive immediate medical assistance, detox treatment, survivor mentorship, case advocacy and aftercare planning, and transportation to the aftercare provider. Typically, 1-7-day service.

Restoration – aftercare service programs (safe houses, group homes, etc.) for victims to find healing and begin to rebuild their lives. Typically, 5 months – 2-year programs.

Reintegration – services that work with business communities and services partners to help survivors obtain continued education, skill training, job searching, affordable housing, etc. Programs to wrap our communities and services around the survivors to give them a helping hand after all the hard work they dedicated in obtaining restoration. NISSI would like to further our role in support of this initiative as well when appropriate.

What is NISSI’s solution?

Nissi Worldwide will stand in the gap and provide a place that can be activated when needed and operate 24 hours. It will serve as an immediate care option for HT (human trafficked) verified or CSEC (commercial sexual exploitation of a child) children from the time they are rescued to the time they are ready to arrive at an aftercare facility. We are excited to be opening our first short-term, immediate care home at a non-disclosed location in the Pensacola, Florida area in 2021! God is so good, and is providing avenues for survivors (His children) to find complete rest and restoration in Him. We are humbled and honored to serve God in this capacity of meeting people where they are at, and loving them like Jesus taught us to love. If you would like to know more about this program or would like to partner with us, please reach out to us at

We can help you establish a Human Trafficking Multi Disciplinary Response Team in your area. MDRT's have proven results and are recommended by the Department of Justice for every community. Contact us at for more information.
Community-based, survivor-centric advocacy centers that provide a one stop shop for survivors seeking services.
Short-term, residential opportunities for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation between their rescue and long term restoration journey.
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We can help you establish a Human Trafficking Multi Disciplinary Response Team in your area. MDRT's have proven results and are recommended by the Department of Justice for every community. Contact us at for more information.
Community-based, survivor-centric advocacy centers that provide a one stop shop for survivors seeking services.
Short-term, residential opportunities for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation between their rescue and long term restoration journey.
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A prevention training program for youth and parents


A training program for the salon and spa industry.

HT 101

General human trafficking awareness

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